
The Superyacht Connectivity Trends Shaping the Future of Luxury Yachting

Posted: 19th Jul 2023

Written by: Richard Hagan

Seamless internet connectivity on board superyachts is not only possible these days, it's also an essential requirement for both owners and charter guests - as well as crew. Read More

The Future of Superyachts: Event Insights Through the Lens of Gen Z

Posted: 7th Jul 2023

Written by: Amelia Farrington

As an intern at Blue ESG, working alongside Nigel Marrison this summer, Ameila brings a fresh perspective as an environmental science student approaching her final year at university, with no prior exposure to the superyacht industry. Read More

Superyacht Sales: Procuring Cause and Protection From Intentional Exclusion

Posted: 5th Jul 2023

Written by: Nicholas J. Zeher

While being a broker on a superyacht sale can be quite rewarding, yacht brokers need to know how to protect themselves and understand what is required from them to be legally entitled to commission from a sale. Read More

The Future of Superyachts: Who or What is Driving the Ship?

Posted: 3rd Jul 2023

Written by: Sam Watson

As one of many writers who is openly freaked out about the looming impact of ChatGPT on my job and my business, I finally decided to give it a go in writing a review of the recent Quaynote conference in London entitled: The Future of Superyachts. Read More

Unleashing the Power of Multi-Gig Networks: The Key to Future-Proof Connectivity

Posted: 26th Jun 2023

Written by: Ryan Porter

By harnessing the immense potential of these cutting-edge networks, we can unlock new opportunities for organisations, transform how we communicate, and enhance our overall digital experiences. Read More

Who is Driving the Future of Superyachts?

Posted: 19th Jun 2023

Written by: Lorna Titley

As we grapple with the impact of geopolitics, climate change and shifting demographics, who or what will determine trends over the next decade? Will technology set the agenda for further change, or will sustainability dictate the shape of things to come? Read More

TSM Superyacht Tech: Connecting the High Seas with High Speeds

Posted: 5th Jun 2023

Written by: Richard Hagan

From the bustling streets of Hull on the east coast of England to the sunny beaches of Sydney, Australia, TSM founder Scott Galloway has had a global journey full of opportunity, innovation, and riding the wave of both new technologies and waves at sea while working on board. Read More

VAT Paid Status: Golden Ticket or Hidden Trip Wire?

Posted: 31st May 2023

Written by: Dom Bulfin

When we talk about most yachting activities in and around the EU, the subject of tax (in particular VAT) is never far down the agenda. But what VAT is payable on the value of a yacht’s hull and when does it need to be paid? Read More

Behind the Scenes with Superyacht Nanny Ella Peters

Posted: 31st May 2023

Written by: OnboardOnline

Have you always dreamed of working as a superyacht nanny? Or are you considering dipping your toes into what is a highly complex yet rewarding role on board? Then let us introduce you to Ella Peters. Read More

Technology Training: Red Flags within the Superyacht Industry

Posted: 24th May 2023

Written by: Scott Molloy

Nobody can deny the importance of technology on board superyachts these days, right? Wrong. In fact, the industry is largely in denial about our increasing reliance on new innovations, which is having a negative knock-on effect in some quite significant ways. Read More

Crew Relationships on Board: Casanova or Creep?

Posted: 22nd May 2023

Written by: The K Flag

A friend of mine once commented that working on yachts sounded a bit like living in an episode of Love Island. I have to admit, at times it can feel that way. Close proximity can breed sexual attraction, happy hook-ups or the blossoming of beautiful and lifelong romances. Read More

Combatting Suicide with Sail2Help

Posted: 17th May 2023

Written by: OnboardOnline

Suicide is still the biggest killer of young men in the UK. Following the tragic loss of his own son George, Captain Tim Davies shares his personal insight and what he hopes to achieve with his charitable organisation Sail2Help. Read More

The Importance of an Open Door Policy to Keep Crew Safe & Healthy

Posted: 8th May 2023

Written by: Nicholas J. Zeher

There are times when being stuck on a yacht can be an absolute nightmare, leaving a crew member with no one to speak to and nowhere to go. Things can get even worse for both male and female crew members if someone’s advances are unwanted. Read More

Debunking Yachting’s Green Energy Solutions

Posted: 8th May 2023

Written by: Rachel Ingram

From hydrogen and electric to solar and HVO, we call on the help of industry expert and sustainability advocate Captain Malcom Jacotine
to explore the energy alternatives to diesel being floated by the superyacht industry.
Read More

Mitigating Against the Risks of Fire On Board

Posted: 3rd Apr 2023

Written by: Sarah Allan

While it is with some relief that the spate of fires over the last 18 months have not resulted in any serious injury or loss of life, fire damage and the resulting loss is usually devastating, leaving owners, crew and stakeholders in considerable shock. Read More

Not Another Cybersecurity Blog - Upping the Ante on Yacht Security

Posted: 30th Mar 2023

Written by: Ryan Porter

Cybersecurity has been a buzzword in the maritime industry for years, but when it comes to superyachts, many of us simply aren't taking enough action to protect our vessels and all those aboard. Read More

The Rise of the Sea-EO: The Changing Role of Yacht Captains

Posted: 29th Mar 2023

Written by: Dom Bulfin

In recent times there has been an unavoidable shift for captains from ‘simply’ being the master of the vessel to effectively acting as CEO of a small to medium size enterprise. Read More

Ward’s Marine Electric: Learning from the Best

Posted: 22nd Mar 2023

Written by: Sam Watson

Reputation is everything in the superyacht industry, and armed with rare expertise and seven decades in the game, you’re hard to beat. Such is the story of Ward’s Marine Electric, founded by Ward Eshleman Sr. in his garage at the end of World War II. Read More

CHIRP Maritime: Cultivating a Culture of Safety in the Superyacht Industry

Posted: 10th Mar 2023

Written by: Gemma Harris

The UK-registered charity CHIRP is working to close gaps in the superyacht safety world, having launched the first superyacht-specific programme and publication Superyacht Feedback this January. Read More

How Old is 'Too Old' to Run a Superyacht?

Posted: 8th Mar 2023

Written by: The K Flag

Chatting with friends the other day we stumbled into that favoured yachty territory of telling funny stories of boats past and eventually the conversation turned to 'how old is too old’ when it comes to running a superyacht? Read More

What Insurance Policy is Right for Your Yacht?

Posted: 27th Feb 2023

Written by: Nicholas J. Zeher, Esq. and Rod Dorilas

Incidental risks associated with owning and operating a vessel could be unforeseeable, costing you a fortune after an unfortunate event. Yacht insurance is a critical asset protection tool that mitigates an owner’s unexpected financial liability. Read More

Solace Boats: Rethinking the Centre Console

Posted: 1st Feb 2023

Written by: Richard Hagan

Hot on the heels of its headline-grabbing appearance at the Caribbean Charter Yacht Show in St Thomas in December 2022, we caught up with the diverse team behind Solace Boats to get the inside scoop on this dynamic brand. Read More

Superyacht AV/IT Officer Qualification – What’s New?

Posted: 30th Jan 2023

Written by: Scott Molloy

Following on from the previous exclusive for OnboardOnline regarding the forthcoming Superyacht AV/IT certification, Scott Molloy delves deeper into its structure and what happens next. Read More

Starlink, SpaceX and Wi-Fi at Sea

Posted: 20th Jan 2023

Written by: Ryan Porter

The maritime industry has long been accustomed to sub-par internet speeds due to current technology restraints available at sea. Starlink has managed to lift those technology restraints, catching the attention of all technology enthusiasts, especially those at sea or in rural areas. Read More

Leading by Example: John Veesma on the Road to Luxury Hospitality

Posted: 11th Jan 2023

Written by: Sam Watson

We sit down with John to discuss his eclectic career path, the successes – and challenges – that have put him where he is today, and why he believes LH Dynamics is set to tranform the way we train and develop high performing teams.  Read More

Christmas on Board – do you Love it or Hate it?

Posted: 16th Dec 2022

Written by: The K Flag

Are you on board for Christmas this year? Or maybe you’re at home? Are you a Christmas lover or a hater? I’ve always been the former, but I have to say even I found Christmases on board a yacht a bit challenging. Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Supercharging your Yachting Startup

Posted: 9th Dec 2022

Written by: Georgia Tindale

We speak to Liz Jackson to discover her tips on how to get ahead as a yachting entrepreneur in 2022, whether yachting really is a ‘boys’ club’, and the vital role that technology will play within the industry’s future. Read More

Superyachts, Crew and the Climate Crisis: Are you Clean, Green and Serene?

Posted: 14th Nov 2022

Written by: The K Flag

How do you feel about working on a superyacht in a climate crisis? Do you harbour feelings of guilt every time you see the monstrous bunkering totals? Or do you feel like your keen adherence to the recycling bin separation offsets your sins? Read More

Referrals and Kickbacks: are they both Legal and Ethical?

Posted: 7th Nov 2022

Written by: Nicholas J. Zeher, Esq. and Christina Caristo

When it comes to money and payments surrounding yachts and yacht transactions, a grey area is always present about who can and who cannot receive certain funds, both legally and ethically. The funds referred to here are referral fees and kickbacks. Read More

Smooth Sailing: Hassle-free Auditing with the Digital Logbook

Posted: 2nd Nov 2022

Written by: Georgia Tindale

If you're fed up with all the paperwork involved in running a large yacht, Keith Oulds, Director of Oulds Yacht Services, highlights the many benefits of using the Diigital Logbook, especially from a compliance perspective. Read More


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