Crew Life » Career & Training

Career & Training

Crew Recruitment: Why you Should Hire Character and Train Skill

Posted: 22nd Apr 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

No amount of skill and knowledge can compensate for rudeness, arrogance or laziness. Like it or lump it, the people who get far in yachting are those with a positive attitude. Read More

Five Great Transferable Skills for New Stews

Posted: 16th Apr 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

So you’re starting out as a junior stew. You’re young and enthusiastic… but your CV is looking a little unexciting. Here are five ideas for transferable skills you might already have up your sleeve. Read More

The Implications of the MLC 2006 in a Legal SEA

Posted: 9th Apr 2014

Written by: Sarah Laty, Camper & Nicholsons

You saved up and sweated through the STCW 95. You booked your flight to Antibes, finally got a spot in a good crew house. You waded through countless agency registrations and met a few good crew agents. Read More

Top 10 Yachting CV Mistakes

Posted: 26th Mar 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

I’m being inundated with yachting CV enquiries at the moment so I thought it might help if I put together a list for you of the top 10 mistakes I see in CVs and how to avoid them. Read More

Yacht Crew: Are You Going to Step Up This Season?

Posted: 13th Mar 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

The weather is finally warming up here on the Cote d’Azur and as Spring springs into action it seems people consider this the perfect time to spring-clean their career as well. Read More

The Crew Coach: Finding Your Flow at Work

Posted: 3rd Mar 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Many people, (myself included), spend their early adult years bimbling through life having a good time without putting too much thought into where their choices are taking them. Read More

The Crew Coach: Tough Ways to Tackle Procrastination

Posted: 3rd Mar 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Continuing our series on procrastination this week, I’m addressing two root causes that not only result in procrastination but which can negatively impact our productivity in all sorts of ways. Read More

The Crew Coach: How to Shake off Procrastination Once and for All

Posted: 24th Feb 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

In the final article in my series on procrastination I’m going to tackle two of the biggest root causes that could be holding you back from getting things done. Read More

Q&A: Nicky Andre of Hemisphere Crew Solutions

Posted: 21st Feb 2014

Written by: OnboardOnline

Nicky Andre from Hemisphere Crew Solutions talks about joining the industry, meeting Richard Branson, and the challenge in creating a bespoke crew headhunting agency in the superyacht industry. Read More

The Crew Coach: Two More Solutions to Prevent Procrastination

Posted: 12th Feb 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

While perfectionism can really help when it comes to detailing yachts, being a perfectionist can also be a massive hindrance to starting longer term projects. Read More

Yacht Crew: Can Couples Get Jobs on Superyachts?

Posted: 10th Feb 2014

Written by: Nicky André, Hemisphere Crew Solutions

Many jobseekers looking to join the industry ask: ‘Can couples get jobs on superyachts?’
The answer is yes, but often a different approach is required.
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The Eight Key Reasons why we Procrastinate

Posted: 29th Jan 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

There are 8 key reasons why we procrastinate – in other words, eight different types of delicious banana the Instant Gratification Monkey* loves to feast on. Read More

Bluewater and Diamond Diving join forces to offer diving in the Med

Posted: 22nd Jan 2014

Written by: Bluewater Yachting

The bluewater training team is delighted to announce that we are now able to offer 3 levels of PADI courses in partnership with Diamond Diving. Courses will begin in March 2014 and will take place at Diamond Diving’s PADI 5* IDC... Read More

The Crew Coach: How to Stop Stressing about Procrastination

Posted: 22nd Jan 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

We tend to beat ourselves up with the thought that we really SHOULD be doing the task – but while all this ‘should-ing’ is highly effective in making us feel miserable, it unfortunately is highly ineffective in making us take acti... Read More

Powerful Interview Tricks to Predict Future Performance

Posted: 20th Jan 2014

Written by: Sylwia Weresniak

The best and most reliable way to predict how someone will act and react in a certain future situation, is by finding out how they have reacted to similar situation in the past. Read More

The Crew Coach: What to do if you are Procrastinating

Posted: 19th Jan 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

It was with a wide grin of recognition that I read an article recently posted on Facebook called “Why Procrastinators Procrastinate”, in which the writer beautifully and simply describes exactly what is going on in our minds when ... Read More

Why Does Your Crew Agent Need to be MLC-Compliant?

Posted: 8th Jan 2014

Written by: Sarah Laty, Camper & Nicholsons Crew Division

What exactly does it mean for a crew agency to be MLC compliant? Sarah Laty from Camper & Nicholsons tells us how the MLC has changed your job-hunting experience. Read More

Why New Year's Resolutions Should Come Down to One Word

Posted: 7th Jan 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Often our long list of New Year's resolutions quickly becomes something to feel guilty about. Instead, this year I'm choosing to boil my intentions down to a single word. What's yours? Read More

Interior Yacht Services Launches Luxury Hospitality Training Program

Posted: 20th Dec 2013

Written by: Interior Yacht Services

Interior Yacht Services, training partner of Warsash Superyacht Academy, announces its Luxury Hospitality Training Program; professional training for the interior crewmember. Read More

The Crew Coach: Are You a Workaholic or Just Super-Motivated?

Posted: 2nd Dec 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

These days, being labelled a ‘workaholic’ seems almost to be a badge of honour – especially on board some yachts. But like any addiction, there is a downside to the buzz which could actually be costing you more than you think. Read More

Google yourself: How to Control your Public Profile

Posted: 20th Nov 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Before you go to an interview, Google yourself. Your potential employers will. Alison Rentoul explains the importance of this pre-interview step, and what to do if the results don't look good. Read More

How to get your new ISPS certificates without doing a course

Posted: 19th Nov 2013

Written by: Lars Lippuner

Everyone has heard about the STCW 2010 Manila Amendments, but many crew may not be aware that STCW 2010 also brings changes to the ISPS training requirements. Read More

Important Changes to the Yacht Deck Training Scheme 2013

Posted: 10th Nov 2013

Written by: Warsash Superyacht Academy

The new MIN 471 (M) issued by the MCA on Friday 8 November announces changes to the yacht deck training scheme. OOW will now have to do EDH, Chief Mate to do ECDIS and Master Yachts to do Celestial Navigation. Read More

Didn't get the job? How to bounce back from rejection

Posted: 7th Nov 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Getting a dreaded ‘no’ in response to a job you really wanted can put a real ding in your confidence. It’s easy to let the rejection get to you, making you beat yourself up or feel like a failure, but being knocked back isn’t real... Read More

What to do if you Don't Hear Back After a Crew Interview

Posted: 30th Oct 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Interview etiquette is tricky enough, but getting your follow up right can be even trickier. How and how often should you contact them? The key is to strike the right balance, and most importantly, to try not to lose control of th... Read More

Yacht Crew: When to stop Job Hunting in the Med

Posted: 23rd Oct 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

The crew houses on the French Riviera are still heaving with hopefuls, all competing for the same few jobs at the end of the Mediterranean summer. Some have a season or two under their belt and many are completely new to yachting.... Read More

Yacht Crew Tips: Following up on Job Interviews

Posted: 18th Oct 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

I often get asked this question: how soon and how often after a job interview should you follow up? It’s a good question, because it can be tricky to navigate this part of the hiring process and you’re pretty much walking a very p... Read More

Five Great Questions to ask at the End of a Job Interview

Posted: 11th Oct 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

You know the moment – that awkward silence when your interviewer asks: “So, do you have any questions?”– and you can’t think of a thing to say! Well don’t be thrown by it anymore – with a bit of preparation you can turn this to yo... Read More

How to Make a Great First Impression at a Job Interview

Posted: 30th Sep 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. However, while many of us are aware of the importance of making a ‘good impression’, few people stop and think about exactly what a ‘good impression’ means – either to them... Read More

The 5 Ps: How to Preparing for an Important Job Interview

Posted: 30th Sep 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

What are the 5 Ps? Perfect preparation prevents poor performance! The only time it is ever acceptable not to prepare properly for a job interview is when you don’t really care whether you get the job or not... Read More


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