Crew Life » Career & Training

Career & Training

The Crew Coach: How to Remember Names for Success in Yachting

Posted: 15th Apr 2015

Written by: Alison Rentoul

It happens to us all! Remembering names, especially when the job requires it, is not always easy so here is some helpful ways to deal with it. Read More

The Crew Coach: Bumper Turnout for First Crew Talk of 2015

Posted: 30th Mar 2015

Written by: The Crew Coach

The first of The Crew Coach’s annual pre-season Free Talks for New Crew got off to a brilliant start in Antibes this week, with prospective new crew queuing around the block to gain entry to this popular event at The Quays Irish B... Read More

Crew Accommodation in Antibes

Posted: 30th Mar 2015

Written by: Lauren Williams

The most well-known crew houses in Antibes include The Crew Grapevine, The Crewhouse, The Glamorgan and Debbie's Crew House. We''ve compiled a guide to help newbies decide which one is right for them. Read More

The Crew Coach: Is 35 too Old to Start out in Yachting?

Posted: 19th Mar 2015

Written by: Alison Rentoul

I'm considering going through the required training to become a Stewardess. I believe I have the skills and personality to be a really good stewardess, but I'm 34 years old, and I know that realistically age is a factor in this in... Read More

Luxury Hospitality: Creating High Perfomance Interior Teams

Posted: 13th Mar 2015

Written by: Lauren Williams

Last month ACREW, in association with the PYA, hosted a selection of workshops on the IYCA Antibes. I attended the ‘Creating High Performing Interior Teams’ workshop by Peter Vogel, MD of Interior Yacht Services. Read More

IYS & ITA Announce a Unique Collaboration

Posted: 10th Feb 2015

Written by: Interior Yacht Services

IYS Interior Yacht Services and ITA Interior Training Academy are pleased to announce that they will be supporting each other’s efforts and programs, starting 2015. Read More

Manila Amendments of the STCW Code: 2017 Updates

Posted: 7th Jan 2015

Written by: PYA

January 1st 2017 will be the final implementation date of the Manila Amendments of the STCW Code (STCW 2010). There are 1.4 million seafarers worldwide needing to ensure their qualifications are in date, so places will be limited ... Read More

Is Leadership on Board a Matter of Perspective?

Posted: 27th Dec 2014

Written by: Simon Harvey

Leadership and good communication are important skills in crew resource management and currently quite a talking point. Crew know that working on a yacht is not like any other job, at least none that I know of, as it has it's own ... Read More

The Crew Coach: Should you Step up Next Season?

Posted: 2nd Dec 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Have you thought much about next season and what position you’d like to be in? Maybe you want to take on more responsibility and move up the ranks? Perhaps you’re thinking about a complete career change like moving into a differen... Read More

Affordable Yachting: The Other Side of the Coin

Posted: 11th Nov 2014

Written by: Ophelia Martin

It happened again. Every time an article appears in the press about the excesses of the yachting industry, somebody is compelled to post it on my Facebook wall with a note implying “Hey, this made me think of you”. Read More

ACREW's Professional Progression Courses a Huge Success

Posted: 5th Nov 2014

Written by: ACREW

ACREW is pleased to announce that the 2nd edition of ACREW & STP’s Continuous Professional Progression Courses were a roaring success. This event, in collaboration with STP, took place on 23rd & 24th October and brought together c... Read More

The Crew Coach: Five Interview Questions Not to Ask

Posted: 31st Oct 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

We’ve all been there at some point in our careers: seated opposite the interviewer while they fire questions at you left, right and centre. At the same time, you’re trying to say all the right things and give a good impression, bu... Read More

Seven Ways Yacht Crew Hold Themselves Back

Posted: 30th Oct 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

It's easy to lose your spark after a few hectic seasons in yachting and lose sight of your goals. If this is happening to you, take some time to reconnect with your bigger picture. Read More

How Yacht Crew can Use Social Media for Networking

Posted: 17th Oct 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Networking doesn’t just have to be done face-to-face. Thanks to the Internet and the many social media platforms that have popped up in the past decade, we can now expand our networks worldwide. Read More

Hate Networking? Here's how to Become Better Connected

Posted: 24th Sep 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Show season is on and it’s time to get networking! But even the most confident people can be shy about their networking ability. So how can you become better connected and expand your network if you feel uncomfortable about it? Read More

Q&A: Steve Crawford of Yotspot Crew Placement

Posted: 19th Sep 2014

Written by: OnboardOnline

Starting a business is always a challenge. But doing it while still working as crew on a superyacht is a whole new ball game. OnboardOnline recently caught up with Steve Crawford, founder of the crew agency,, to hear a... Read More

Rating Your Yacht: A Dangerous Game?

Posted: 11th Sep 2014

Written by: Lauren Wiliams

There’s little to no information listed about yacht ownership in the public domain, and most crew join a boat 'blind'. However, this year has seen the emergence of a few sites with the intention of 'rating yachts'. Lauren Williams... Read More

The Crew Coach: Building Onboard Relationships for Success

Posted: 26th Aug 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

When you’re working your way up the yachting career ladder, your ability to manage relationships with people around you directly impacts the amount of influence and respect you command. Read More

Yacht Crew: Are You Being Too Difficult?

Posted: 7th Aug 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

We’re getting into that part of the season now when tempers start to fray and patience is wearing thin. Getting along with people is all very well in theory…but when the chips are down and people are tired, almost all yachting rel... Read More

Yacht Crew Salary Guide

Posted: 18th Jul 2014

Written by: OnboardOnline

To accompany the launch of our new Jobs Board, below is a brief description of the role of each crew member, with average salaries listed. Please be aware that both roles and salaries vary from boat to boat and this should not be... Read More

Working in Cross-Cultural Crews On Board

Posted: 10th Jul 2014

Written by: Rose Jolis

The multicultural nature of the yachting community is a gift that is often taken for granted, and perhaps some hurtful or even dangerous behaviours have crept in with this cultural shift. Read More

Third Module of The Stewardess Bible Series Now Available

Posted: 23rd Jun 2014

Written by: Kylie O'Brien

Explaining the art and science of housekeeping, “The Stewardess Bible’s Guide to Housekeeping Perfection” hones in on misjudgements that can be costly. Read More

Yacht Crew: Are You Really Ready to Move Ashore?

Posted: 13th Jun 2014

Written by: Rose Jolis

It’s not an easy transition onto land. For most us ‘yachties’ it’s the light at the end of the tunnel: to live in your own place, have your own big bed, maybe a pet. Read More

Crew Agency or no Crew Agency: That is the Question.

Posted: 6th Jun 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

When hiring crew for the season it can be tricky to decide the best way to find the best people. Is it worth the effort of sourcing them ourselves, or should we stick to working with crew agencies? Read More

Why Values are an Important Factor in Recruitment

Posted: 28th May 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Have you ever wondered why you get along with some people and not others – or why some crew members instantly click with the team while others just never seem to blend in? The answer is values. Values are the big WHY behind everyt... Read More

New Documentary Explores Recruitment of Domestic Staff

Posted: 17th May 2014

Written by: Studio Lambert

Studio Lambert, an independent UK television production company is researching a documentary for Channel 4 about the recruitment of domestic staff for private homes. Read More

PYA Sea Changes Seminar: A Summary

Posted: 16th May 2014

Written by: PYA

At this year's PYA Sea Changes seminar in Antibes, Captain Roger Towner made clear that the UK Government was fully implementing the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 from the 7th August 2014. Read More

Yacht Crew Recruitment: How to Spot Flakers and Fakers

Posted: 7th May 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

As the first guest trips and charters draw closer, don’t be tempted to rush your recruitment process – making a poor hiring decision could cost you dearly as the season goes on! Read More

Five Things We Can All Learn from New Superyacht Crew

Posted: 30th Apr 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Those of us who've been in yachting for a while can often feel a bit sorry for some of the new crew arriving... but perhaps there are a few things we can learn from them too. Read More

The Crew Coach Relaunches Free Talks for New Crew

Posted: 22nd Apr 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Announcing the return of The Crew Coach's weekly free talks for new crew in Antibes. The talks will take place from the 25 March to the 13th May* at 5pm at The Hopstore. Read More


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