Infringement on Posidonia Regulations - French Mediterranean

The PYA is actively involved with the French Prefecture Maritime (PREMAR) to try to develop alternative solutions to the Posidonia Anchoring regulation, which has considerably restricted mooring locations for yachts on the Riviera.
Last week, the PREMAR sent us a list of close to 70 yachts that infringed the regulation between 6-20 July 2021 - with dates, locations, name of the boat and whether they responded to VHF calls (most did not). Several of these yachts infringed the regulation several times.
Out of the 29 repeat offenses, only three VHF calls from the authorities were answered. However, none of the yachts moved to alternative locations. Even though the PREMAR has indicated that, during this season, the regulation will be enforced with leniency, the prosecution of 11 repeat offenders will be considered by the authorities.
Last Friday, the PREMAR reported to us that two repeat-repeat offender yachts will be prosecuted. One of these yachts (Cayman flag) is currently located in Northern Sardinia. The other (UK flag) is in the Balearic Islands. In addition to a €150.000 fine, yachts could be banned from French waters.
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