Yachting News » Business » Aqua TV Network Retains YES Yacht Executive Solutions

Aqua TV Network Retains YES Yacht Executive Solutions

Aqua TV


Yes TV

Aqua Television Network, YES Yacht Executive Solutions and their economic advisory service affiliate, Chamberlain Capital Group, are pleased to announce their collaboration to provide maximum value to all Aqua Television Network advertisers and investors.

This collaboration offers a new value proposition for businesses and individuals with financial interests in any aspect of the domestic or international recreational water based consumer industry.

The economic advantages of this alliance offer the opportunity for Aqua Television Network to become the dominant brand in water related television and programming, and will enable the sharing of a number of operating efficiencies with the advertisers. Ultimately, the teaming of Aqua TV and YES will provide the most cost effective means of reaching the global water based recreational and lifestyle consumer. 

"Aqua TV holds great promise for both consumers and producers of recreational water products and services," reports Scott Crabtree, Managing Economist with Chamberlain Capital and Founding Member of YES Yacht Executive Solutions. "We look forward to assisting Aqua TV fulfill that promise by improving operational efficiencies and helping mitigate future rate increases while continuing to provide superior value to Aqua advertisers." 

"With today's announcement, anyone with an interest in the global recreational water industry and the ability to act quickly, would be wise to secure the competitive, marketing price advantage by acquiring as much Aqua advertising time as practical at the current rates - before they rise in the future," advises Crabtree. "Aqua looks to be on a growth track both domestically and  internationally. The current rates to access a very engaged, niche audience will surely only increase in the future!"

"This opportunity makes me think of Andrew Carnegie, one of the world's wealthiest men, estimated to be worth as much as six times that of Warren Buffett in constant dollars," said Crabtree. "Carnegie noted the advantages of being ahead of the crowd when he subtly observed the obvious, 'The first man gets the oyster, the second gets the shell'"

Contact www.yes2yachting.com


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