Crew Life » Career & Training » Academy by Ephemeris - Making Sense of Crew Training at Every Stage

Academy by Ephemeris - Making Sense of Crew Training at Every Stage

Attracting new talent to the superyacht industry is a persistent challenge, and a complex conundrum to unpick. Industry insiders cite a number of possible reasons, from a general lack of awareness to unrealistic expectations driven by social media, television shows, and bar talk. 

But let’s imagine the industry has caught the attention of a strong candidate with all the right attributes and a realistic grasp of the job. Meet Summa Thomas, now a budding yacht stewardess but, like many newcomers to the superyacht industry, she found it extremely difficult to find the information and guidance she needed to get started.

Luckily for Summa, a friend already working on board was able to recommend the career guidance platform, Academy by Ephemeris, where she found everything she was looking for all in one place.

“I found it very easy to use,” said Summa. “Straightaway there’s a great explainer video, and the platform is easy to navigate. All the information is clearly laid out, with detailed career maps listing all the relevant courses at every stage – for all departments. It has really helped me to map out a future and opened my eyes to all the courses available and where.”

Now in her second year in the yachting industry, Summa is keen to gain more experience in the interior department with the ultimate goal of climbing the ranks to chief stewardess or interior manager. Thanks to Academy by Ephemeris, she is fully up to speed on the mandatory courses required, and now she’s turning her attention to honing her core hospitality and service skills in order to progress.

In an industry where success is all about the guest experience, Summa says: “Making a cup of coffee is easy, but learning how to make it special is an art, understanding how it makes the guests feel. Similarly, on my first boat I encountered guests who loved a good cigar and it really piqued my interest to learn about the fundamentals of cigars and the correct way to serve them.”

Flower arranging is another talent that Summa would like to develop: “It’s easy to put flowers in a vase,” she said, “but knowing how to create beautiful flower arrangements for large table settings would be an invaluable skill, so it’s definitely something I intend to explore.

In the meantime, with the summer season fast approaching, Summa is currently enrolling on a WSET course to improve her knowledge and service of fine wines, opting for flexible e-learning so she can easily fit it around her busy work schedule.

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“Academy by Ephemeris has been a game changer for me!” Summa said. “Often crew don’t know what courses are available or where they can do them, but the information is all there on the platform. The team is also very supportive, contacting the schools on your behalf and helping you to get the best of what you need. I find it extremely useful and I would definitely recommend it to other people.” 

Meanwhile, the team at Academy by Ephemeris will be following and supporting Summa every step of the way: “Summa has built a strong foundation in yachting, and we understand how important it is to feel supported as she plans her future. Our platform offers resources tailored to her experience, empowering her to make informed career decisions. We're committed to providing the personalised support she needs to thrive as she takes the next steps.”

Why Academy by Ephemeris?

For green crew keen to enter the superyacht industry, the vast amount of online information can be overwhelming and difficult to decipher. For those already working on board, finding the time to study or finding a course that coincides with your time off can also be a challenge.

Academy by Ephemeris was designed to simplify and streamline the process by helping crew to identify the training they require to progress at every stage. Aligned with step by step career pathways for each department., Academy by Ephemeris curates a comprehensive range of in-person and flexible e-learning options, and all courses are fully vetted for the relevance and quality of their content. The team is also on hand with guidance to help crew find the best and most suitable training at every stage of their careers, in-person or online, wherever they are in the world.

For more information about Academy by Ephemeris please click here.

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