Yachting News » Events » Les Voiles de Saint-Barths: Five Years On

Les Voiles de Saint-Barths: Five Years On

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It was five years ago that the Voiles de Saint-Barth event was created. A clear concept, an exceptional setting, a serious organizer, and all the racers coming from around the world have done the rest.

Year after year, the reputation has spread by word of mouth as they have encouraged their fellow sailors to come and share in the joys of yachting around the waters of a pearl in the Caribbean, Saint-Barth.

With each edition, the number of boats has continued to grow, but it’s not just the quantity, as the quality of the line-up has also strengthened with the involvement of some of the leading lights from the world of international sailing from Ken Read to Loïck Peyron, Peter Holmberg, Jim Swartz, and Gavin Brady.

After just four editions, the Voiles de Saint-Barth has managed to win over skippers and convince sailors and owners to take part. The recipe is a simple one, but a heady cocktail with sport, racing, magnificent varied race courses and a sense of enjoyment that is a unique characteristic of the islanders and seafarers. From 14th to 19th April 2014, all of these ingredients will once again be in the mix to offer even more races and even greater excitement with a breathtaking show.


Continually moving forward

“Our short history has seen controlled growth and ongoing changes.”  The organizers remain cautious, listening first of all to what the racers have to say. “They are at the heart of the event and we are there to satisfy as best we can their expectations; fine varied racing out on the water, and a very special occasion ashore, for them, their crews and their families. The general public, the racers and partners have always enjoyed this event, which encourages us to do our utmost to ensure the fifth anniversary is succesful next April.”

Conviviality is a watchword at the Voiles de Saint-Barth, perfectly reflecting the aspirations of modern yachting. The boats, in all their magnificence hold pride of place, and Luc Poupon and the Race Directors each year manage to find race courses in amongst the scores of tiny islands around Saint-Barth, which has led the American, Ken Read to declare, “Each change of tack is a magical moment. Each gybe offers us yet another amazing sight.” T

he Voiles de Saint-Barth makes the most of these windy waters offering highly technical race courses, which delight the sailors. The sea here is to be enjoyed, shared and is a source of friendship. People come to the Voiles from New Zealand, Australia, the States, New England and from all around Europe. This cosmopolitan gathering in the warm atmosphere of the island works its magic, and the ability to share sailing experiences both at sea and ashore, is one of the elements that make the Voiles what it is for the 600 sailors representing around twenty different nationalities.

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A fifth anniversary that promises to be even more festive

“The Voiles de Saint-Barth event has today well and truly established itself as a major event in the Caribbean racing calendar,” added the organisers. “This fifth birthday looks like being a big one to which we are inviting all the racers, who made previous editions so successful.” At the Voiles, there is something to please everyone. The Voiles de Saint-Barth opens up these emerald and blue waters to five different classes, which means that they all types of boat can compete on the same footing, with everyone able to look forward to magnificent races, which are bound to be hotly contested and very close. Maxi-Yachts, IRC 52s, Spinnakers and non spinnakers, as well as a fine group of multihulls will each be given their own distinct rankings.

“Each year we have seen an increase of between twenty and thirty percent in terms of registrations. We are aiming for a fleet of eighty boats next year, which will be even more elegant and even more competitive,” explained the organisers. T

he Voiles de Saint-Barth event has also managed to ensure partners remain faithful thanks to the values of yachting, and each year they contribute to the success and development of the event. The watchmaker Richard Mille has been the headline partner ever since 2010, alongside the garment maker Gaastra, the Banque des Antilles Françaises (BPCE), and the Saint-Barthélémy local authorities. “Some other prestigious brands will be joining us for the fifth anniversary,” stressed the organizers, “in order that we can put on an unforgettable celebration for the racers…”

The regatta runs from the 14th-19th of April.  More information can be found on the website

les voiles st barths unofficial logo


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