This application provides you with offline maps for MEXICO with features such as searching and ROUTING without the need of an internet connection
Note: the map is taken from which is the wikipedia of map and if you find any errors in it, you can fix it going to the openstreetmap webpage!
Why Offline maps?
It allows you to extend your battery life and lets you save from paying expensive roaming charges when traveling.
Why True offline maps?
Because it is the only application for the iphone that will allow you to have
+offline routing (using in app purchase) for any place you download. It doesn't preload routes, but calculates them without the need to be connected to the internet.
+offline places of interest (POI) for any part of the world. You don't need to buy additional packages to get POI, everything is there when you download it.
+offline search (using in app purchase): search for street names and places (house numbers coming soon).
+3d views (using in app purchase)
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